Tuesday, October 21, 2008

John McCain’s chief economic advisor critiques John McCain’s new economic plan

Carly “I got a $40 Million golden Parachute when I got fired” Fiorina was on the Record with Greta Van Susteren October 6, giving her Fair and Balanced opinion about the bailout and about which candidate has the better ideas for the economy. Some might be aware that Fiorina is one of John McCain’s chief economic advisors, yet this was never mentioned by either Van Susteren or Fiorina, and she was only identified in that little Fox News message board as “Former CEO of Hewlett Packard.” It was also never mentioned that she was fired by Hewlett Packard after she orchestrated a controversial merger with Compaq which resulted in a huge drop in HP stock and massive job losses, and was awarded a $21.4 Million golden parachute with an additional $19 Million of stock and pension benefits, for which a class-action lawsuit was brought against Fiorina by HP stockholders.

According to Fiorina, it is fair game to highlight Barack Obama’s association with William Ayers (who sat on a Board with Obama–a board that included several republicans as well as presidents of Universities, and was funded by the conservative Annenburg family), but it was unfair of Obama to create an ad about John McCain taking financial advice from Carly Fiorina, a former CEO who embodies corporate greed. One more thing they failed to mention was that, in addition to being McCain’s economic advisor, Fiorina has been a paid contributor to the Fox Business Network since October of 2007. Another fair and balanced perspective.

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